Jesus past

Christianity's fixation on Jesus as a historical figure rather than embracing his divinity in the present is not only misguided but detrimental to its followers. By relegating Christ's energy to the past, Christianity misses out on the transformative power of experiencing his presence in the here and now. It limits believers' ability to tap into their own spiritual potential and connect with the ever-present divine source. This narrow perspective stifles personal growth, inhibiting individuals from perceiving and harnessing Christ's energy within themselves, hindering them from living truly authentic and purposeful lives. Instead of being an empowering force that inspires deep inner transformation and connection with God, Christianity unknowingly encourages a passive mentality that hampers spiritual progress. It is essential for Christians to shift their focus from history to the present moment, recognizing that Jesus' energy transcends time and space, enabling them to embody his teachings fully and experience a profound relationship with him in each unfolding moment.