Our 12 strand DNA

Our 12 strand DNA

Did you know that our DNA is actually made up of 12 strands instead of the usual 2? It's true! This means that we humans are special and have the potential to be really powerful beings. But here's the thing, some people have changed our DNA to make us easier to control and forget our true selves. They want to keep us limited to this 3D world. But don't worry, there's good news! We are starting to discover our true potential and remember who we really are. With the help of higher dimensional beings, we are learning how to fix our DNA and unlock our full power. It's like repairing a broken structure bit by bit. As we grow spiritually and align ourselves with our 12 chakras (yes, there are 12 of them!), we can access more knowledge and wisdom from the universe. Some people have already fully restored their DNA, and many more are on their way to healing and repairing it. As for me, I'm not sure how far along I am, but I know I'm on the right path. We are all needed in this amazing expansion that is happening right now. So here's to your own fully repaired human structure! You have my love, blessings, and respect.