The Recent Tibetian Earthquake

The recent Tibetian Earthquake (7.1 on Richter scale) was a result of an inner Earth spiritual conflict. The negative aligned reptilian beings found an entrance to the inner Earth realm of Agartha. This was in Shigatse, one of the holiest places in Tibet. A large amount of the population in Shigatse had been infiltrated by negative aligned reptilian beings and discovered the sacred entrance to Agartha. The inner beings of Agartha "The Argathians" to prevent the forced intrusion by the reptilians invaders a spiritual conflict broke out in the tunnel depths of Inner Earth. The aftermath of this inner conflict triggered the eruption in the earth's bowels, causing the earthquake . Nearly all the dead were negatively aligned beings, who,s time in this incarnation had come to an end. There are no coincidences in events that happen. there is always a reason. Unfortunately, a large percentage of humanity still can not see beyond the 3D linear reasons behind world events . In service GG 🩵